Why I Am Glad I Grew Up Middle Class

Although I was never poor, I never had more than I needed, which means I can now appreciate what I do have that much more

Chandrayan Gupta


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Introduction: A Difficult, Frustrating Childhood, for More Reasons than One

Some people are nostalgic about their childhood, which they term ‘a simpler time’, and to which they yearn to return.

I don’t. Ever. I much prefer the present to the past.

My childhood was marred by a lack of two factors: money and mental health. I have penned dozens of pieces about the latter. But about the former I am more reserved.

While I was never outright poor, I never had more than I needed, which is the hallmark of a middle class individual.

I remember going to school with a torn backpack, wearing socks with holes in them, and forever gazing with longing into the windows of toy stores.

Eating out was rare. Vacations were rarer.

That said, my basic needs were met. I had four walls and a roof, I went to a private school, and there was food on the table. Just never the best food.



Chandrayan Gupta

2x Psychological Crime Thriller Author | 415+ Articles Across 10+ Publications on Medium | Instagram: chandrayan_gupta